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Shows Past and Present

The following lists some of the juried shows that I have participated in. Not all paintings in the shows are listed.

Abbreviations: AHA: Association of Hawaii Artists, HWS: Hawaii Watercolor Society, PAH: Pastel Artists of Hawaii, WAG: Windward Artists Guild, WW: Windward Wanderers



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Teresa Saia

"Darn It!"

"Kalo Carp"


WAG 55th Annual Members Exhibition; curated by Antoinette Martin

"Pen with Cygnets" (watercolor)

“The Pali” (soft pastel)


HWS Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Iain Stewart, NWS

"A Treasure on My Window Ledge"


HWS Members Only Show; juror: Jan Ledbetter, AWS, NWS

"Aloha in Sunlight"

"Looking Out from Coconut Island"



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Elizabeth Mowry, PSA

"The Breath of Kanaloa", Best of Show Award of Excellence



HWS Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Arne Westerman, AWS, NWS

"Pen with Cygnets"



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Terri Ford, PSA

"Along the Bank", First Place Award

"Rising from Maunawili"

"Retreat in the Ko'olaus"


HWS Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Robert O'Brien

"Stay Close Now!"

"Waiting in the Wings"



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Susan Ogilvie, PSA

"Buffi", Honorable Mention 



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; jurors: Alan Flattmann, PSA and Snowden Hodges

"Young Life, Old Tree", Third Place Award

"Neighborhood Gossips", Juror's Merit Award 



PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Gregory Biolchini

"Lumahai Beach, Kauai", Honorable Mention 


HWS Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Sue Conner

"He‘eia Low Tide", Honorable Mention


Hawaii Macintosh Apple Users Society Digital Photography Contest; juror: Doug Young

"Wedding Ties", First Place Award 


PAH Open Juried Exhibition; juror: Jonathan Busse

"Last Days", Honorable Mention 


AHA Plein Air Show; juror: Roger Whitlock

"Ulimakali – Windward Ko‘olaus”, Honorable Mention 



Candace D. Fenander @ 2016

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